Como Lake
Botticelli Springtime Wedding
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Bridal Musing
“Botticelli’s paintings host over 500 species of plants and almost 200 types of flowers! We knew our shoot was going to feature some pretty awesome florals. We, like Botticelli, used flowers that bloom in the month of May, so we sourced local organically grown seasonal florals to recreate a renaissance feel garden. This gave us the extra special opportunity to use flowers like sweet peas and digitalis. The floral design by Sfumature di Cipria recreated an explosion of spring, naturally wispy, overgrown and ethereal garden.”
From Bridal Musing
Bridal Musing
“Botticelli’s paintings host over 500 species of plants and almost 200 types of flowers! We knew our shoot was going to feature some pretty awesome florals. We, like Botticelli, used flowers that bloom in the month of May, so we sourced local organically grown seasonal florals to recreate a renaissance feel garden. This gave us the extra special opportunity to use flowers like sweet peas and digitalis. The floral design by Sfumature di Cipria recreated an explosion of spring, naturally wispy, overgrown and ethereal garden.”
From Bridal Musing

Design and Planning By Charlotte Weddings
Floral Designer Sfumature di Cipria
Ph Irene Fucci
Flowers from Olga's Flower Farm
Cake Qualcosa di dolce Francesca Piccini
MUA Lina Pagano
Paper goods Grigiocielo Studio
Shoes Rachel Ash
Table set Luxury Rentals
Bride’s dress The Lace Atelier
Rings & Jewelrys My Golden Age
Venue Villa Pina
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